
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:2985] From: Dr Charles Keith / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Marr (Patient), Mr Gabriel Dunn (Dun) (Patient) / 11 February 1787 / (Incoming)

Letter from Dr Charles Keith, chiefly giving the case of Gabriel Dun(n), aged 70, who suffers from jaundice and abdominal swelling. He is poor, and has a hemiplegic wife. Mention is also made of Miss Marr and Mr Potts.


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DOC ID 2985
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/2017
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date11 February 1787
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from Dr Charles Keith, chiefly giving the case of Gabriel Dun(n), aged 70, who suffers from jaundice and abdominal swelling. He is poor, and has a hemiplegic wife. Mention is also made of Miss Marr and Mr Potts.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1481]
Case of Gabriel Dun(n), a poor, elderly man with jaundice.
[Case ID:2499]
Case of Miss Marr, who has a cough and a knee ailment.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:3387]AuthorDr Charles Keith
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3698]PatientMiss Marr
[PERS ID:3699]PatientMr Gabriel Dunn (Dun)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:3387]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr Charles Keith
[PERS ID:5849]Patient's Relative / Spouse / FriendMrs Elizabeth Dunn
[PERS ID:3700]OtherMr Potts

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Morpeth North-East England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Morpeth North-East England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir

I received yours this morning
& shall follow your directions concerning
Miss Marr – I am now to ask your Advice
about a poor man who is a neighbour of
mine – Gabriel Dun aged 70 – There is a
considerable yellow tinge over all his Body
particularly in the Tunica Albuginea of the Eyes

His Abdomen is much swelled & Tense
with some little degree of fluctuation, but there
is no particular hardness in the Region of
the Liver nor has he much pain on pressing
it – Pulse about ↑80↑ & rather feeble, little appetite,
thirst at times, Belly free, Urine about a
pound & a half in twenty four hours very high
coloured with a yellowish tinge & much
lateritious sediment, no bitter taste of his
, but he spits a good deal of a white
tough matter
; lies easiest on his left Side
never starts from his sleep – Towards night
there is some little swelling of his Feet

The yellowness appeard two or three
months ago, but there was no perceptible

[Page 2]

swelling of the Abdomen till within these
three or four Weeks – He had laboured under
Jaundice to a great degree for almost a year
near thirty years ago, therefore at first tho'
I had my fears I was fain to hope that
perhaps Gall Stones might be the cause
of the Disease – , in this view & as he had
no pain in the Region of the Liver I gave
repeated Vomits & as I thought with some
little benefit but upwards of two Months
ago when I found the Disease obstinate
perceived a fulness & tension in the Region of
the Liver
I prescribed Plummers Pill in
small Doses & ordered some ☿ Ointment
to be rubbed on the Region of the Liver
but he exceeded my order & rubbed in rather
too much
, but as soon as his mouth became
affected I ordered him to stop the use of the
Ointment & Pills his mouth continued
sore for three Weeks – When I perceived the
swelling of
the Abdomen I ordered an
Electuary with Cream of Tartar Syrup of Squils
& Oil of Juniper, & as he complained much
of weakness I {illeg} gave him a cordial
mixture with Bark – The Electuary gave

[Page 3]

him loose Stools but did not promote a
flow of Urine & I could not easily have
persuaded ↑him↑ to have taken the Cream of Tartar
dissolved in Water – About a Week ago I
Omitted the Electuary & ordered the following
Solution, Sp. Nit. Dul. an ounce and a half Spring Water an ounce
Sal. Tart. half an ounce; of this he takes two tea
spoonfuls three times a Day, sometimes
in Gin Todie & sometimes in Chamomile
– I was thinking today of trying
Squils; hitherto I have been prevented
from their use in quantity lest they
should make him sick, & indeed but for
this I would have tried Cicuta; he is
low spirited & I knew he would have
thought if that effect was produced
that the medicine would was doing him
hurt as I also Ik knew he would have supposed
had I tried any of the Drastic Purges

I have my fears that there are
Hydatidis, Only if the Liver be diseased
it is of little consequence, except preventing
the relief which tapping if judged expedient
might give
– If possible be so good as write
tomorrow – You have inclosed but a trifle
but the poor mans Circumstances are but
indifferent & his Wife with a Hemiplegia
a burden upon him ––

[Page 4]

Mr. Potts & Miss Marr offer Compliments & return you
hearty thanks –

I am Dear Sir
Most Respectfully Yours
Charles Keith
Morpeth February 11th. 1787

lb />Doctor William Cullen

Dr. Keith
Concerning Gabl. Dun
Feburary 1787
V. XIX. P. 52.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Dear Sir

I recd. yours this morning
& shall follow your directions concerning
Miss Marr – I am now to ask your Advice
about a poor man who is a neighbour of
mine – Gabriel Dun aged 70 – There is a
considerable yellow tinge over all his Body
particularly in the Tunica Albuginea of the Eyes

His Abdomen is much swelled & Tense
with some little degree of fluctuation, but there
is no particular hardness in the Region of
the Liver nor has he much pain on pressing
it – Pulse about ↑80↑ & rather feeble, little appetite,
thirst at times, Belly free, Urine about a
pound & a half in twenty four hours very high
coloured with a yellowish tinge & much
lateritious sediment, no bitter taste of his
, but he spits a good deal of a white
tough matter
; lies easiest on his left Side
never starts from his sleep – Towards night
there is some little swelling of his Feet

The yellowness appeard two or three
months ago, but there was no perceptible

[Page 2]

swelling of the Abdomen till within these
three or four Weeks – He had laboured under
Jaundice to a great degree for almost a year
near thirty years ago, therefore at first tho'
I had my fears I was fain to hope that
perhaps Gall Stones might be the cause
of the Disease – , in this view & as he had
no pain in the Region of the Liver I gave
repeated Vomits & as I thought with some
little benefit but upwards of two Months
ago when I found the Disease obstinate
perceived a fulness & tension in the Region of
the Liver
I prescribed Plummers Pill in
small Doses & ordered some ☿ Ointment
to be rubbed on the Region of the Liver
but he exceeded my order & rubbed in rather
too much
, but as soon as his mouth became
affected I ordered him to stop the use of the
Ointment & Pills his mouth continued
sore for three Weeks – When I perceived the
swelling of
the Abdomen I ordered an
Electuary with Cream of Tartar Srp.
& Oil of Juniper, & as he complained much
of weakness I {illeg} gave him a cordial
mixture with Bark – The Electuary gave

[Page 3]

him loose Stools but did not promote a
flow of Urine & I could not easily have
persuaded ↑him↑ to have taken the Cream of Tartar
dissolved in Water – About a Week ago I
Omitted the Electuary & ordered the following
Solution, Sp. Nit. Dul. ℥jſs Aq. Font ℥j
Sal. Tart. ℥ſs; of this he takes two tea
spoonfuls three times a Day, sometimes
in Gin Todie & sometimes in Chamomile
– I was thinking today of trying
Squils; hitherto I have been prevented
from their use in quantity lest they
should make him sick, & indeed but for
this I would have tried Cicuta; he is
low spirited & I knew he would have
thought if that effect was produced
that the medicine would was doing him
hurt as I also Ik knew he would have supposed
had I tried any of the Drastic Purges

I have my fears that there are
Hydatidis, Only if the Liver be diseased
it is of little consequence, except preventing
the relief which tapping if judged expedient
might give
– If possible be so good as write
tomorrow – You have inclosed but a trifle
but the poor mans Circumstances are but
indifferent & his Wife with a Hemiplegia
a burden upon him ––

[Page 4]

Mr. Potts & Miss Marr offer Compts. & return you
hearty thanks –

I am Dear Sir
Most Respectfully Yours
Charles Keith
Morpeth Febry 11th. 1787

lb />Doctor William Cullen

Dr. Keith
C. Gabl. Dun
Feby. 1787
V. XIX. P. 52.


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