
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1867] From: Dr John Heysham / To: Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen) / Regarding: Miss Brown (Patient), Mr John Leveck (Levec) (Patient) / 8 June 1780 / (Incoming)

Letter from John Heysham, concerning the case of John Levec, a 14-year-old boy who was 'affected with the epidemic Scarlet Fever & sore throat' some months previously and has lost his hearing as a result. Also gives dated, daily report on the recent progress of Miss Brown.


There are 4 images for this document.

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DOC ID 1867
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/946
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
Date8 June 1780
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe No
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Letter from John Heysham, concerning the case of John Levec, a 14-year-old boy who was 'affected with the epidemic Scarlet Fever & sore throat' some months previously and has lost his hearing as a result. Also gives dated, daily report on the recent progress of Miss Brown.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting Yes


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1135]
Case of Master John Leveck, a fourteen-year-old youth who has been deaf since suffering from scarlet fever.
[Case ID:1245]
Case of Miss Brown who has a very serious dry cough and other pulmonary symptoms which prove fatal.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:477]AuthorDr John Heysham
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:779]PatientMr John Leveck (Levec)
[PERS ID:694]PatientMiss Brown
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:477]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr John Heysham

Places linked to this document

Role in document Specific Place Settlements / Areas Region Country Global Region Confidence
Place of Writing Carlisle North-West England Europe certain
Destination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place of Handstamp Carlisle North-West England Europe certain

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
Carlisle June 8th. 1780
Dear Sir

John Levec a boy about 14 years
old was affected almost ten months ago
with the epidemic Scarlet Fever & sore
Throat. I attended him & indeed for several
days despaired of his life, he however
recovered, but has entirely lost his hearing.
There was a considerable discharge from
both ears during the fever & a suppuration
of one of the parotid glands. The gland
soon healed up & the left ear dried up.
The other continues to discharge a small
quantity of fetid matter. Upon examining
his ears yesterday I could observe
nothing particular but I am affeard the
membranes are corroded & have ent¬
irely lost their sensibility
. His ears
have been syringed, and a seton
has been advised but it has not yet
been tried. Tho his friends are apprehen¬
sive that little can be done yet they
will try every thing that may be recom¬
mended. I therefore have taken the
liberty to desire your opinion & advice

[Page 2]

I received your letter in due time & have
steadily pursued your advice, but am
sorry to observe not with that sucess
which you or I could wish. In order that
you may judge of Miss Brown's pre¬
sent situation I shall transmit you
the reports which have been taken since
I wrote last. May 6th. the complaint at her stomach
is removed. Thirst somewhat diminished,
tongue natural; sleeps better & did not sweat
much last night. cough hoarseness, & pulse
continue the same as before. Yesterday
evening after a severe fit of coughing she felt
a pain in her side, & to day it is removed to
the other side. continued medicine


The pain in her left side continues.


The pain in her left side is removed to her left
right, has slept little these two nights & has
[sweat?] a good deal. The blister was applied be¬
tween her shoulders, & she began to take the
juice of Tussilago Leaves


The pain of her side much abated, is quite free
from it during the day, & only feels a little
of it in the night, keeps pretty well, but
is hot & sweats a good deal. The Blister rose
well & continues open. juice of Tussilago Leaves agrees
very well with her. drinks a pound of asses's milk [daily?], anodyne dose ommitted this night 24 Has rested
very little or none last night
, was very hot
& sweat a great deal, cough very troublesome.
Has expectorated little & that mucus, which
swims in water, some part of it is turgid with

[Page 3]

a very little blood.. Pulse 8 oclock a.m. 112.5
p.m. 134 soft & weak.
[Repetatur [repeated] ?] single dose of the Anodyne at bedtime.


Has slept very well since the dose was repeated
& has neither been so hot, or sweat so much in
the night. Pain of her side quite gone, cough &
Pulse nearly as before. The expectoration has
not been tinged with blood. The Blister keeps


Had a restless night & this evening her
legs are a little swelled.

June 2nd

No alteration in her symptoms.


Her legs continue to swell at night & [she?]
complains of great soreness in her mouth, & [her?]
cough is increased.


Her tongue & inside of her mouth covered [with?]
apthæ. Let her mouth be frequently [washed?]
with a gargle of Tinct. (Decoction) Bark & Infusion of [Rosemary?].


Her mouth is a good deal better. She begins [to?]
dislike the juice of Tussilago Leaves & it is with [diffi¬?]
culty I can prevail on her to take it.

Miss Brown has been out in the chaise whe[hen?]
the weather would permit & is less affected w[with the?]
cough then than at any other time. Her diet is
[c?]hiefly milk. I shall make no alterations, until
I have the pleasure of hearing from you
till then believe me yours sincerely

John Heysham

[Page 4]

Dr. Cullen

Dr. Heysham
Miss Brown and
Mr Levee
June 1800
V.XI. p. 26.

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
Carlisle June 8th. 1780
Dear Sir

John Levec a boy about 14 years
old was affected almost ten months ago
with the epidemic Scarlet Fever & sore
Throat. I attended him & indeed for several
days despaired of his life, he however
recovered, but has entirely lost his hearing.
There was a considerable discharge from
both ears during the fever & a suppuration
of one of the parotid glands. The gland
soon healed up & the left ear dried up.
The other continues to discharge a small
quantity of fetid matter. Upon examining
his ears yesterday I could observe
nothing particular but I am affeard the
membranes are corroded & have ent¬
irely lost their sensibility
. His ears
have been syringed, and a seton
has been advised but it has not yet
been tried. Tho his friends are apprehen¬
sive that little can be done yet they
will try every thing that may be recom¬
mended. I therefore have taken the
liberty to desire your opinion & advice

[Page 2]

I recd. your letter in due time & have
steadily pursued your advice, but am
sorry to observe not with that sucess
which you or I could wish. In order that
you may judge of Miss Brown's pre¬
sent situation I shall transmit you
the reports which have been taken since
I wrote last. May 6th. the compt. at her stomach
is removed. Thirst somewhat diminished,
tongue natural; sleeps better & did not sweat
much last night. cough hoarseness, & pulse
continue the same as before. Yesterday
evening after a severe fit of coughing she felt
a pain in her side, & to day it is removed to
the other side. Contd. Med.


The pain in her left side continues.


The pain in her left side is removed to her left
right, has slept little these two nights & has
[sweat?] a good deal. The blister was appd. be¬
tween her shoulders, & she began to take the
Suc. Fol. Tussilag.


The pain of her side much abated, is quite free
from it during the day, & only feels a little
of it in the night, keeps pretty well, but
is hot & sweats a good deal. The Blister rose
well & conts. open. Suc. Fol. Tussilag. agrees
very well with her. Bibat lbi Lac. asini [quotid?]
omtr Haust. anodyne hac nocti. 24 Has rested
very little or none last night
, was very hot
& sweat a great deal, cough very troublesome.
Has expectorated little & that mucus, which
swims in water, some part of it is turgid with

[Page 3]

a very little blood.. Pulse 8 oclock a.m. 112.5
p.m. 134 soft & weak.
[Repr?] Haust Anodyne h.s..


Has slept very well since the Haust. was Rept
& has neither been so hot, or sweat so much in
the night. Pain of her side quite gone, cough &
Pulse nearly as before. The expectoration has
not been tinged with blood. The Blister keeps


Had a restless night & this evening her
legs are a little swelled.

June 2nd

No alteration in her symptoms.


Her legs continue to swell at night & [she?]
comps. of great soreness in her mouth, & [her?]
cough is increased.


Her tongue & inside of her mouth covered [with?]
apthæ. Let her mouth be frequently [washed?]
with a gargle of Tinct. (Decoct.) Cort. & Infus. [Rosis Marin?].


Her mouth is a good deal better. She begins [to?]
dislike the Suc. Fol. Tussilag. & it is with [diffi¬?]
culty I can prevail on her to take it.

Miss Brown has been out in the chaise whe[hen?]
the weather would permit & is less affected w[with the?]
cough then than at any other time. Her diet is
[c?]hiefly milk. I shall make no alterations, until
I have the pleasure of hearing from you
till then believe me yours sincerely

John Heysham

[Page 4]

Dr. Cullen

Dr. Heysham
Miss Brown and
Mr Levee
June 1800
V.XI. p. 26.


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