
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[ID:1618] Case Note / Regarding: Miss (A.B.) (Patient) / January 1779 / (Incoming)

Case of Miss A. B. from 1753 to 1778. She has a long history of mental disturbance, manifesting as a form of religious mania. At some point she was "electrified 23 different times in little more than a month". Possibly the case notes referred to in document 1628.


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DOC ID 1618
RCPE Catalogue Number CUL/1/2/709
Main Language English
Document Direction Incoming
DateJanuary 1779
Annotation None
TypeAuthorial original
Enclosure(s) No enclosure(s)
Autopsy No
Recipe Yes
Regimen No
Letter of Introduction No
Case Note No
Summary Case of Miss A. B. from 1753 to 1778. She has a long history of mental disturbance, manifesting as a form of religious mania. At some point she was "electrified 23 different times in little more than a month". Possibly the case notes referred to in document 1628.
Manuscript Incomplete? No
Evidence of Commercial Posting No


Cases that this document belongs to:

Case ID Description Num Docs
[Case ID:1101]
Case of the anonymised "Miss A. B.", a patient of Charles Innes.

People linked to this document

Person IDRole in documentPerson
[PERS ID:1]AddresseeDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID:2626]PatientMiss (A.B.)
[PERS ID:1]Patient's Physician / Surgeon / ApothecaryDr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)

Places linked to this document

No places linked to this Document.

Normalized Text

[Page 1]
The Case of A. B. copied.

March 1753. She was born of this date and was always of a
warm disposition & could ill bear contradiction. ---

Summer 1767 was for some months low spirited which was then
attributed solely to a pretty severe cold she had during that time
but the cold wearing off she recovered her wonted spirits; a
circumstance therefore perhaps unnecessary to have been noticed. ---

May 1769 her menses commenced & the evacuation was exceeding
, & next month it was no more than common, & from this
time to July --- 70 there was a total suppression of her monthly
. ---

July or August 1769. she had contracted a cold & about a month or
after she was bled liberally, the Doctor not being informed
of her monthly obstructions. ---

November 1769 began to fall under a depression of spirits which
increased in January & February 1770 considerably when a Physician was
consulted who besides a regimen, vomiting, & exercise advised a
blister to be applied to the crown of her head.

March 1770 a day or two after the application of the blister her
brain was so much affected that she uttered for some days many
blasphemous expressions, as well as that she despaired of her sal¬
vation & in words was extremely outrageous but not so much in
action. This gradually abated & soon sunk her into a great de¬
pression of spirits
still under the panic as to her salvation.
By degrees this wore off and against July 1770 her monthly pur¬

[Page 2]

gations of new took place & continued tho not regularly till
about Spring 1771. During the influence of these purgations she
was in high spirits & in good health but in the suppression
her spirits sunk & a confusion of ideas continued & increased --

Spring 1771, there was a total suppression (except twice or thrice
at most) till July 1773 notwithstanding that from June to November
1772 she was almost every day on horseback riding thro differ[ent]
parts of the country which indeed greatly dispelled the cloud of
her confused ideas & raised her spirits to a tolerable easy medium,
but during this time her stomach was in disorder & she eat very
. Thus she continued from November 1772 with a gradual increase
of her spirits till she went May 1773 to a mineral well &
in July 1773 her period took place. But since then, a total
till June 1775 which continued for three months {illeg}
thereafter and was in September 1775 again removed but never after.

During the above period from Spring 1771 to July 1773 & ever
after till about July 1776 at any time when her stomach was
in disorder & that she could not eat & her health in some
measure affected thereby she was as sensible & could reason
as justly as ever, her brain {illeg} (was) not affected & her de¬
pression of spirits
hardly perceptible. The gloomy notions
concerning her salvation left her, except that she ima¬
gined she was unworthy of attending divine worship.
But on the contrary when that was not the case she had
& still has a great stomach & would attempt any method

[Page 3]

secretly to get at any kind of victuals ever so coarse &
would eat privately an amazing quantity & if she was
to be sacrificed next moment she could not restrain her¬
self from using every art to accomplish this theft which
intoxicates her brain to a great degree & creates the
gloomy thought about salvation, which she constant¬
ly dwells on, but which she can & does conceal from
strangers, tho the depression which such thoughts give
occasion to, are soon afterwards at least in her looks
& gestures tho not in words.

April 1776 she returned to the mineral well but without
any affect & since July thereafter has been under a constant
depression of spirits.

Many things have been attempted for her relief too
tedious to mention. She has been sundry times bled
in the
ancles, & it appears vitiated. --- has used the
cold bath in Summer for some years past.

March 1778 was electrified 23 different times in little
more than a month -- Every other night she bathes
her limbs & sits over a pail of warm water to have the
benefit of the steam but to no purpose -- She con¬
tinues to get physick to keep her belly open tho
she has little occasion for it.

Copy of the medicines prescribed in February 1770.

Take one ounce and prepare each of Powdered cassia Peruvian Bark and Steel Filings Two drachms of Winter's Bark a drachm and a half of Curcuma Root Label: Strengthening medicine to be infused in a bottle of Lisbon.

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Take Gum Asafœtida [purple?] --- one drachm each of myrrh. Green Vitriol Aloes soctorerine and Elixir Proprietas to make a mass each of which are formed into fifteen pills. Label: Deobstruent pills three to be taken night and morning.

Miss A. B.
January 1779.
9. p. 111

Diplomatic Text

[Page 1]
The Case of A. B. copied.

March 1753. She was born of this date and was always of a
warm disposition & could ill bear contradiction. ---

Summer 1767 was for some months low spirited which was then
attributed solely to a pretty severe cold she had during that time
but the cold wearing off she recovered her wonted spirits; a
circumstance therefore perhaps unnecessary to have been noticed. ---

May 1769 her menses commenced & the evacuation was exceeding
, & next month it was no more than common, & from this
time to July --- 70 there was a total suppression of her monthly
. ---

July or August 1769. she had contracted a cold & about a month or
after she was bled liberally, the Doctor not being informed
of her monthly obstructions. ---

Novr. 1769 began to fall under a depression of spirits which
increased in Jany. & Feby. 1770 considerably when a Physician was
consulted who besides a regimen, vomiting, & exercise advised a
blister to be applied to the crown of her head.

March 1770 a day or two after the application of the blister her
brain was so much affected that she uttered for some days many
blasphemous expressions, as well as that she despaired of her sal¬
vation & in words was extremely outrageous but not so much in
action. This gradually abated & soon sunk her into a great de¬
pression of spirits
still under the panic as to her salvation.
By degrees this wore off and against July 1770 her monthly pur¬

[Page 2]

gations of new took place & continued tho not regularly till
about Spring 1771. During the influence of these purgations she
was in high spirits & in good health but in the suppression
her spirits sunk & a confusion of ideas continued & increased --

Spring 1771, there was a total suppression (except twice or thrice
at most) till July 1773 notwithstanding that from June to Novr
1772 she was almost every day on horseback riding thro differ[ent]
parts of the country which indeed greatly dispelled the cloud of
her confused ideas & raised her spirits to a tolerable easy medium,
but during this time her stomach was in disorder & she eat very
. Thus she continued from Novr 1772 with a gradual increase
of her spirits till she went May 1773 to a mineral well &
in July 1773 her period took place. But since then, a total
till June 1775 which continued for three months {illeg}
thereafter and was in Septr. 1775 again removed but never after.

During the above period from Spring 1771 to July 1773 & ever
after till about July 1776 at any time when her stomach was
in disorder & that she could not eat & her health in some
measure affected thereby she was as sensible & could reason
as justly as ever, her brain {illeg} (was) not affected & her de¬
pression of spirits
hardly perceptible. The gloomy notions
concerning her salvation left her, except that she ima¬
gined she was unworthy of attending divine worship.
But on the contrary when that was not the case she had
& still has a great stomach & would attempt any method

[Page 3]

secretly to get at any kind of victuals ever so coarse &
would eat privately an amazing quantity & if she was
to be sacrificed next moment she could not restrain her¬
self from using every art to accomplish this theft which
intoxicates her brain to a great degree & creates the
gloomy thought about salvation, which she constant¬
ly dwells on, but which she can & does conceal from
strangers, tho the depression which such thoughts give
occasion to, are soon afterwards at least in her looks
& gestures tho not in words.

April 1776 she returned to the mineral well but without
any affect & since July thereafter has been under a constant
depression of spirits.

Many things have been attempted for her relief too
tedious to mention. She has been sundry times bled
in the
ancles, & it appears vitiated. --- has used the
cold bath in Summer for some years past.

March 1778 was electrified 23 different times in little
more than a month -- Every other night she bathes
her limbs & sits over a pail of warm water to have the
benefit of the steam but to no purpose -- She con¬
tinues to get physick to keep her belly open tho
she has little occasion for it.

Copy of the medicines prescribed in Febr. 1770.

℞ Pulv. crass. cort. Peruv. Lim. Mart. ppt. @ ℥j
Cort. winteran. ʒij Rad. ʒedoar. ʒjfs. [5?]pptis. 1 a ℳ
Signa Strengthening medicine to be infused in a bottle of

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Gumin. as. fœetid. [pur.?] ---- myrrh. Sal. martis.
Aloes soctor. @ ʒj Elix. propriet. q. s. ut. f. massa
ex cujus singulis [ʒmis?] formentur pilulæ XV.
Signa Deobstruent pills three to be taken night and

Miss A. B.
Janry. 1779.
9. p. 111


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