
The Consultation Letters of Dr William Cullen (1710-1790) at the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh


[Case ID:1452]: Case of the Revd. James Hamilton, minister in Paisley, who suffers from swollen and ulcerated legs. The case proves terminal and a post-mortem is performed by local surgeon Alexander ["Sanders"] Taylor.

Documents in this case

7 document(s) found in this case.

DOC IDSummaryDate
[DOC ID:268]  Linked to other Cases  
Reply regarding Mr Hamilton's illness. Cullen also makes brief reference to the case of Mr Orr and suggests that bathing once a day will be suitable.February 1782
[DOC ID:2146] 
Letter from Alexander Taylor, concerning the case of James Hamilton, minister in Paisley.7 February 1782
[DOC ID:2147]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Alexander Stevenson concerning the case of James Hamilton, minister in Paisley. Mentions a Mrs Cuninghame in the postscript. The hand-stamp is illegible. 8 February 1782
[DOC ID:2159]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Alexander Taylor, concerning the case of Rev. Mr. Hamilton. In addition, Taylor advises Cullen that Mr Orr will visit him.22 February 1782
[DOC ID:6256] 
Reply 'For the Revd. Mr Hamilton' .25 February 1782
[DOC ID:2174]  Linked to other Cases  
Letter from Alexander Taylor, concerning the cases of the brothers James and William Orr. James has pain in the side, and has been coughing up bloody pus: 'I see it mentioned in your Practice that abcesses of the liver are sometimes expectorated but I do not understand this'. William's eyes are improving. He reports on the post-mortem dissection of the minister, Mr Hamilton. He also notes that 'After you left Paisley I found you had not been paid your fee', and discussed this with the Hamiltons and with Cullen's old friend Rev. Davidson of Inchinnan, whose father Cullen had attended. 16 March 1782
[DOC ID:291]  Linked to other Cases  
Reply to Alexander Taylor concerning directions for James Orr, and the absence of jaundice: 'there can be no doubt that an abcess has existed somewhere but whether in the liver or lungs is not easily determined and the discussion is not fit for my time or this letter'. He also refers briefly to James' brother William Orr's eye condition. Cullen also mentions Taylor's recent report on the post-mortem examination of the body of their mutual patient, the Rev. James Hamilton.19 March 1782

People involved in this case

12 found.

PERS IDFull Name
[PERS ID: 1] Dr William Cullen (Professor Cullen)
[PERS ID: 4483] Mrs Cuninghame
[PERS ID: 1055] Reverend Archibald Davidson (Davieson; of Inchinnan)
[PERS ID: 2696] Mr Davidson (Davieson)
[PERS ID: 804] Mrs Elizabeth Hamilton
[PERS ID: 2236] Reverend James Hamilton (of Paisley)
[PERS ID: 2695] Miss Hamilton
[PERS ID: 210] Mr James Orr
[PERS ID: 211] Mr William Orr ((later) of Ingliston, then Ralston)
[PERS ID: 4482] Mr Spens
[PERS ID: 563] Dr Alexander Stevenson (Professor; of Dalgairn )
[PERS ID: 207] Dr Alexander Taylor (Sanders)

Unique Places linked to this Case

5 found.

TypeSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
SpecificCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Place Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
Place Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
Place Inchinnan Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain

Places and role of place

9 found.

TypeRoleSpecific Place Village/Town/City (aka) Region Country Continent Confidence
SpecificPlace of WritingCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Writing Glasgow Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Writing Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
SpecificDestination of LetterCullen's House / Mint Close Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlaceDestination of Letter Edinburgh Edinburgh and East Scotland Europe certain
PlaceDestination of Letter Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe inferred
PlaceMentioned / Other Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlaceMentioned / Other Inchinnan Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain
PlacePlace of Handstamp Paisley Glasgow and West Scotland Europe certain